

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why I will never watch Fox News again and ask everyone else to follow suit

With the assassination of George Tiller - which, mind you occurred within the sanctuary of his own church - culpability has been denied by all who spouted hateful and violence-inducing hateful speech. 'Pro-life' movements who can do anything but denounce this killing (note - even Sarah Palin denounced the act) are truly disgusting.

Olbermann, last night, chronicled the hateful language that O'Reilly, Ingraham and other talking heads on Fox News had used to demonize 'Tiller the Baby Killer.' These attacks were not only bombastic but also lies. The only instances that Tiller did in fact perform late term abortions was when at least two doctors found - in their professional opinion - that the health and/or life of the mother was severely compromised by having the child. In times such as this, no one is pleased when actions of this need be done... but it's important to note that these were in fact legal and these procedures were necessary.

Finally, here's the clip of Olbermann and this is my plea to you. No source of 'news' should spout this hatred. And if it does it loses the ability for it to be called news. People like this will continue to act in this way unless their bottom line is affected. Watch this and follow whatever course you see fit - thank you.

And one more from Rachel Maddow, where she interviewed Frank Schaeffer, a former vehement member of the far right Anti-Abortion movement - where he took some culpability for the violence perpetrated and how all others who shared his view also share the blame.