

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Murderous Anti-Abortion movement - Fuck You

First off, it's been way too long since I've posted on this blog... I guess it just takes the right story to rile me up and bring forth the word vomit.

Watching Maddow tonight and saw the latest batch of death threats from the "Pro Lifers." This constant threat of violence has single-handedly kept Topeka, Kansas from having an abortion provider in over a year. Abortion, by the way, is not a sin but a Constitutionally protected right that all women in this country should have access to.

How is this OK? How can someone who claims the moral high ground be so obviously depraved? Sure, these movements claim that by killing these 'murderers' they're saving countless souls. Doesn't this COMPLETELY undercut the moniker of Pro Life? Sure all life is sacred unless the person is willing to perform legal women's health care services... in that case, kill the motherfucker. Let's look beyond the hypocrisy that these live in - that most of these people believe in the Death Penalty and War (I guess Muslim or American soldiers lives aren't that sacred) - and cut to the heart of the matter; that this constant threat of violence (along with the tacit approval of those who oppose abortion) creates a de facto ban on abortion.

Is that something we're ok with? What does the Law mean if a group can Terrorize a practice and all of those involved until it goes away? Where does it end? Guns and fanaticism take a precendent over even the fucking Supreme Court? If a challenge to Roe v. Wade was put before the Supreme Court today it would be Affirmed because Kennedy would rule with the Liberal minority for a 5-4 decision. If even the archaic Conservative Supreme Court can't overturn Roe v. Wade, then this fucking crazy movement wants this nation even to the right of them.

So, fuck you 'Pro Life' movement. And fuck you religious individuals who secretly approve of what these nuts are doing. Until religious leaders or the damn Public disavow this group from all semblance of legitimacy then those silent are complicit. Abortion is not a happy thing. But it is a legal act if done within the parameters of the law. Until this threat of violence is lifted, women are not free (especially poor women)

Randall Terry, Operation Rescue and ever single other Anti-Abortion group:
Fuck you for being sexist
Fuck you for trying to control women's bodies
Fuck you for ignoring the fucking rule of law
Fuck you, seriously...

1 comment:

Jake Shore said...

Just to clarify, is this rant directed solely at anti-abortion activists who sanction or commit violence, or towards anyone or any group who is against abortion?

Your raving is so incoherent and profane, it really says more about you than the people to whom your anger is directed. Do you really hope to persuade anyone with this?