

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The failure of Abstinence Only

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnson have broken off their engagement.

Their story is a story in which the legitimacy of Abstinence-only sex education has been removed. In an interview after the election, Bristol admitted that she believed that 'abstinence was unrealistic.' This is a view that many have, and those that choose to take that path have little information given to them in many public schools that have resorted to teaching abstinence only. I can understand the rationale of parents not wanting their children to have sex and their means of succeeding in this is not giving teenagers information and permission to have sex.

I see this as shortsighted and ineffective. Trying to avoid the elephant in the room is impossible. With the sexual culture that exists in the media and in everyday conversation between teenagers, simply ignoring the topic will not prevent individuals from partaking in it. In this culture and these conditions, mainly the high number of teenage numbers and surging number of sexually transmitted infections, safe sex must be taught in public schools. Referring back to Bristol Palin, in the same interview where she called abstinence 'unrealistic,' she was unable to explain why she and Levi did not practice safe sex. Surely some of the blame must lie with the schools, a problem that was not alleviated by the fact that Governor Palin unabashedly supports abstinence only education.

Teenage sexuality is a fact that cannot be swept under the rug. With STIs such as HIV out in the population, this is absolutely a life or death matter. Finally, safe sex education is the surest way to reduce abortions among teenagers. Whether you are pro life or pro choice, no one wants there to be more abortions than are absolutely necessary. By teaching teenagers ways to prevent pregnancy, the number will shrink and the use of abortion as a form of birth control will be shown to all as the wrong path.

Finally, I read online political news far too often. With Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer having a bit of a spat, the Daily Beast posted a few 'on air' feuds. This one I found particularly scathing and entertaining. Stewart, on Crossfire, holds his own with Tucker Carlson through humor and rational discourse... enjoy! (p.s. the link to the page is

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