

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fox News?!

Well, I was flipping around channels tonight and found myself watching Hannity... Wow, I actually missed Colmes. Anyway, there was this 'shocking piece' in which a 'New BRIDGE TO NOWHERE'

Anyway... this piece was shocking in three ways:
1)It gives credit to 'environmental concerns'
2)It feigns interest in the 'survival of the Everglades'
3)They actually interviewed Native Americans
4)It chides excess development as what hurt the Everglades


Wait, What?! Under the Bush Administration, just a few months ago, it was commonplace for the members of the Department of the Interior (Many of whom are now in jail for partaking in bribery in the form of drugs and hookers from the industries they were regulating) routinely auctioned off valuable protected land to the highest bidder. Not the least of which was contracts to strip mine for Uranium in the land near the Grand Canyon where possible spills into the Colorado River would endanger the main water supply of Las Vegas and Los Angeles?!? To me, these practices don't seem like the best way to maintain precious 'beautiful landscapes.'


Ok, I've ranted enough... here is the clip for you to watch to see if you're as angered as me. And it's not just the reporting itself, it's just how disingenuous and hypocritical it is...

Well, here's a link to the video,

Finally, this is shown to be a 'pork' addition to the bill that is CLEARLY one of many in this Spending Bill. I wanted to see who was the horrible congressman whose district this flaunting of money would go in. His name was Adam Putnam and he's a Republican. On his website,, he praises the large amount of Everglades funding in the bill. Nailed ya Fox News!

Oh, and on another note... Glenn Beck is insane. A fearmonger among fearmongers, Beck has something he calls the 'War Room' in which he envisions the many horrible ways that the country will inevitably fall (All thanks to Barack Obama, of course). Colbert just killed him with this bit, and I think that for levity's sake I'll include it was well.

Here's Colbert describing Beck's 'War Room'

And, here's Colbert's response to Beck - His 'Doom Bunker'

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